Just little old me holding a camera trying to spread joy through imagery.

You’re probably expecting the same old spiel right? The whole, I picked up a camera at five years of age and haven’t put it down since. Well, that’s not quite how my journey has begun here. Sure, photography is something that creates a huge fiery passion pit within my soul but my life didn’t start and end with photography.

I begun a teaching degree when I finished school in Brisbane. Turns out, not only did I not enjoy it, but I deferred the degree so many times and gallivanted around the globe that I ended up receiving an education degree that is a lot like an arts degree. Granted, I majored in Drama & Film, TV and New Media, it’s just the teaching part that wasn’t my jam. So I swiftly made my move into photography. My passions drove ahead at full speed in this industry. I was able to form ideas, create abstract concoctions and transform my thinking into possibilities that wouldn’t have formed while I was at university. But then I got stuck…

I was, and am actually, still stuck in a job where the stability of my profession satisfies my Capricorn needs. However, photography is something that I truly want to do but I also want to find purpose within it. In the past I’ve exhibited work based on social stigma, been a photographer for the RSPCA magazine (‘The Biscuit’) and volunteered with a social sporting committee to photograph players enjoying their own passions. I want to continue down this line of work so, take a chance on me and contact me for any of your photography needs whether they’re small, large, abstract or ordinary. I welcome any amount of simple or extravagant ideas into my world.

Until then, I’ll shoot Mother Nature because she’s the most beautiful thing I know.